Navigating Infidelity Package

Navigating Infidelity Package

Betrayal is an awful experience.

One of the most crucial pieces in a deeply intimate relationship is trust.  Nothing can rock one’s belief in the strength, ability or viability of their marriage like an act of disloyalty like an emotional or physical affair. The common misconception is that affairs are about sex, which rarely the case.  Infidelity is often a symptoms of much deeper issues of connection, attachment and other deficiencies, often resulting in feelings of being devalued by their partner and alone.

We have helped countless couples navigate the trauma of infidelity, many of which who were able to let this act be the spark that ignites the fire to rebuild meaningful connections that were stronger than ever.

There is hope.

Our qualified therapists are here to help.  We can walk with you and help you decide the next steps that you feel are best for your situation. W can help begin healing process, to slowly help rebuild the trust that was fractured, on a new foundation of authenticity, commitment and connection.

We are here to support you!

Package Includes: Up to 8 sessions per month

Visit the Rates page for package pricing.